Yanyan Jiang 蒋炎岩

(Tenure-track) Associate Professor,
SPAR - CASTLE Joint Group
Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University

Ph.D. (Nanjing University , 2017)
Visiting Ph.D. Student (The Ohio State University , 2015)


I'm interested in fun stuffs on constructing and torturing software systems: validation, verification, and synthesis. Selected publications:

  • Yanyan Jiang, “The hitchhiker's guide to operating systems”, in Proceedings of the 2023 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), 929–943, 2023.
  • Cong Li, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, and Zhendong Su, “Validating JIT compilers via compilation space exploration”, in Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), 66–79, 2023 (Best Paper Award 🏅).
  • Zelin Zhao, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Tianxiao Gu, and Xiaoxing Ma, “Synthesizing object state transformers for dynamic software updates”, in Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 1111–1122, 2021 (ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award 🏅 and ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award 🏅). “软件动态更新技术”
  • And the full publication list.



  • Current (劝退信)

    • PhD: 欧先飞 (2018), 刘瀚之 (2020), 周意可 (2021), 王加益 (2021), 高培立 (2023), 赵超懿 (2023), 曹云帆 (2024), 谭森琪 (2024)
    • Master: 刘泽森 (2023), 臧子健 (2024)
  • Past students


  • Program Committee Member: EuroSys'25, ASE'23, ASE'21, SANER'23, SANER'22, Internetware, ChinaSoft, ChinaSys.
  • Steering Committee Member of Jiangsu Olympiad in Informatics; Technical Committee Member of APIO2022, APIO2023.

Honors and Awards

  • 2023 Best Paper Award of the 29th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'23).
  • 2022 Xiaomi Youth Innovation Award and Houjun Liu Teaching Award of Nanjing University.
  • 2021 NASAC Youth Software Innovation Award (NASAC 青年软件创新奖).
  • 2021 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award and ACM European Best Paper Award (ICSE'21).
  • 2020 Bank of China Teaching Award of Nanjing University.
  • 2018-2020 CCF Elite Youth Scientists Sponsorship Program (CCF 青年人才托举计划; Top 6 in China).
  • 2018 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (ASE'18).
  • 2018 CCF Docotral Disseration Award (CCF 优秀博士学位论文; Top 5 in China), ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award Nomination (Top 5 in China).
  • 2016 Distinguished Student of Nanjing University (南京大学学生年度人物; the only PhD student out of ten winners).
  • 2014 MSRA Fellowship Award (微软学者奖学金; Top 12 in Asia Region); 2015 and 2010 National Scholarship;
  • First Place in 2014 Huawei Cup Regional Programming Contest; Second Place in 2012 Tencent Hackathon.
  • I competed in ICPC regional contests for two Gold Medals and earned 49th Place in the 2009 World Finals.

Last Update: June 27, 2024

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