Yanyan Jiang's Publications


  • Hanzhi Liu, Yanyan Jiang, and Chang Xu, “Understanding the Linux kernel, visually”, Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), Accepted, 2025.
  • Yike Zhou, Yanyan Jiang, and Jian Lu, “Unveiling cross-checking opportunities in Verilog compilers”, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), Accepted, 2025.
  • Cong Li, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, and Zhendong Su, “Validating JIT compilers via compilation space exploration”, in ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), Accepted, 2025. (This is the journal extension of our SOSP'23 paper.)
  • Xianfei Ou, Yanyan Jiang, and Chang Xu, “Semantic aware greybox compiler fuzzing”, Journal of Software (in Chinese), Accepted, 2025.
  • Luyao Ren, Xing Zhang, Ziyue Hua, Yanyan Jiang, Xiao He, Yingfei Xiong, and Tao Xie, “Validity-preserving delta debugging via generator trace reduction”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), Accepted, 2025.
  • Yunfan Cao, Chaoyi Zhao, Hanzhi Liu, Jiayi Wang, Huiyan Wang, Ping Yu, Chun Cao, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Yanyan Jiang, “System support for ubiquitous human-cyber-physical-fusion applications”, Science China Information Sciences (SCIS, in Chinese), Accepted, 2025.


  • Xianfei Ou, Cong Li, Yanyan Jiang, and Chang Xu, “The Mutators Reloaded: Fuzzing compilers with large language model generated mutation operators”, Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Accepted, 2024. (Will be presented at ASPLOS'25)
  • Daohan Qu, Chaoyi Zhao, Yanyan Jiang, and Chang Xu, “Towards life-long software self-validation in production”, 15th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware), 357–366, 2024.
  • Lu Zhang, and et al., “Deep learning-based software engineering: Progress, challenges, and opportunities”, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (SCIS), Accepted, 2024. (I'm the corresponding author for Section 10 “bug finding”.)
  • Wenjie Li, Jun Ma, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, and Xiaoxing Ma, “Understanding and detecting inefficient image displaying issues in Android apps”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 39(2), 434–459, 2024.


  • Yanyan Jiang, “The hitchhiker's guide to operating systems”, in Proceedings of the 2023 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), 929–943, 2023.
  • Cong Li, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, and Zhendong Su, “Validating JIT compilers via compilation space exploration”, in Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), 66–79, 2023 (Best Paper Award 🏅).
  • Jiarong Wu, Lili Wei, Yanyan Jiang, Shing-Chi Cheung, Luyao Ren, and Chang Xu, “Programming by example made easy”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 33, 4:1--4:36, 2023.


  • Cong Li, Yanyan Jiang, and Chang Xu, “Push-button synthesis of watch companions for Android apps”, in Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 1793–1804, 2022.
  • Cong Li, Yanyan Jiang, and Chang Xu, “Cross-device record and replay for Android apps”, in Proceedings of the 21st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 395–407, 2022.
  • Jue Wang, Yanyan Jiang, Ting Su, Shaohua Li, Chang Xu, Jian Lu, and Zhendong Su, “Detecting non-crashing functional bugs in Android apps via deep-state differential analysis”, in Proceedings of the 21st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 434–446, 2022.
  • Cong Li, Yanyan Jiang, and Chang Xu, “GUI event-based record and replay technologies for Android apps: A survey”, Journal of Software (in Chinese), 33(5), 1612–1634, 2022.


  • Zelin Zhao, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Tianxiao Gu, and Xiaoxing Ma, “Synthesizing object state transformers for dynamic software updates”, in Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 1111–1122, 2021 (ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award 🏅 and ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award 🏅). “软件动态更新技术”
  • Dongjie Chen, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, and Xiaoxing Ma, “On interleaving space exploration of multi-threaded programs”, Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS), 15, 154206, 2021.
  • Wenjie Li, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, and Jun Ma, “Automatic performance testing for image displaying in Android apps”, in Proceedings of the 28th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 317–326, 2021.
  • Yanxiang Tong, Yi Qin, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Chun Cao, and Xiaoxing Ma, “Timely and accurate detection of model deviation in self-adaptive software-intensive systems”, in Proceedings of the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 168–180, 2021.
  • Ziteng Liu, Liqiang Lin, Qingqing Jia, Zheng Cheng, Yanyan Jiang, Yanwen Guo, and Jing Ma, “Transferable multi-level attention neural network for accurate prediction of quantum chemistry properties via multi-task learning”, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (JCIM), 1066–1082, 2021 (First Place of Tencent Alchemy Challenge 2019 🏅).


  • Dongjie Chen, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Testing file system implementations on layered models”, in Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 1483–1495, 2020. “豪华文件系统测试套餐 现已加入南京大学操作系统实验”
  • Jue Wang, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Chun Cao, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “ComboDroid: Generating high-quality test inputs for Android apps via use case combinations”, in Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 469–480, 2020. “单招不好使,连招才管用:为 Android 应用生成高质量测试输入”
  • Yang Cao, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Jun Ma, and Xiaoxing Ma, “Perspectives on search strategies in automated test input generation”, Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS), 14(3), 202–204, 2020.
  • Yicheng Huang, Chang Xu, Yanyan Jiang, Huiyan Wang, and Da Li, “WARDER: Towards effective spreadsheet defect detection by validity-based cell cluster refinements”, Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 167, 110614, 2020.


  • Yanyan Jiang, “Highs and lows in my PhD journey”, Communications of the CCF (in Chinese), 15(8), 10–15, 2019 (Invited article for CCF Doctoral Dissertation Award 🏅). “读博那些事儿”
  • Yibiao Yang, Yanyan Jiang, Zhiqiang Zuo, Yang Wang, Hao Sun, Hongmin Lu, Yuming Zhou, and Baowen Xu, “Automatic self-validation for code coverage profilers”, in Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), to appear, 2019.
  • Haicheng Chen, Wensheng Dou, Yanyan Jiang, and Feng Qin, “Understanding exception-related bugs in large-scale cloud systems”, in Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), to appear, 2019.
  • Jue Wang, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Automatic test input generation for Android apps”, Scientia Sinica (Informationis, in Chinese), 49(10), 1234–1266, 2019.
  • Wenjie Li, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Yepang Liu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Characterizing and detecting inefficient image displaying issues in Android apps”, in Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER), 355–365, 2019.


  • Yanyan Jiang, and Chang Xu, “Needle: Detecting code plagiarism on student submissions”, in Proceedings of the ACM Turing Award China Conference (TURC/SIGCSE China), 27–32, 2018. “代码抄袭:那些让 985 学生沉默,211 学生流泪的真相”
  • Dongjie Chen, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Testing multithreaded programs via thread speed control”, in Proceedings of the 26th Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 15–25, 2018. “拧龙头法测试并发程序”
  • Yuju Shen, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Ping Yu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “ReScue: Crafting regular expression DoS attacks”, in Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 225–235, 2018 (ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award 🏅). “一个由正则表达式引发的血案 (解决版)”
  • Jue Wang, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Qiwei Li, Tianxiao Gu, Jun Ma, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “AATT+: Effectively manifesting concurrency bugs in Android apps”, Science of Computer Programming (SCP), 163, 1–18, 2018. “你的 App 敌得过我单身二十年的手速吗:Android App 中的并发 Bug 浅析”
  • Jiarong Wu, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, S. C. Cheung, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Synthesizing relation-aware entity transformation by examples”, in Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE Poster Track), 266–267, 2018.
  • Jun Ma, Shaocong Liu, Yanyan Jiang, Xianping Tao, Chang Xu, and Jian Lu, “LESdroid: A tool for detecting exported service leaks of Android applications”, in Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 244–254, 2018.
  • Tianxiao Gu, Xiaoxing Ma, Chang Xu, Yanyan Jiang, Chun Cao, and Jian Lu, “Automating object transformations for dynamic software updating via online execution synthesis”, in Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 19:1--19:28, 2018.


  • Yanyan Jiang, “Understanding Shared Memory Dependences”, PhD Thesis, 2017 (CCF Docotral Disseration Award; ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award Nomination 🏅).
  • Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Approaches to obtaining shared memory dependences for dynamic analysis of concurrent programs: A survey”, Journal of Software (in Chinese), 28(4), 747–763, 2017.
  • Shengtao Yue, Weizan Feng, Jun Ma, Yanyan Jiang, Xianping Tao, Chang Xu, and Jian Lu, “RepDroid: An automated tool for Android application repackaging detection”, in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 132–142, 2017. “穿着马甲的重打包 App,你在哪里?”
  • Tianxiao Gu, Xiaoxing Ma, Chang Xu, Yanyan Jiang, Chun Cao, and Jian Lu, “Synthesizing object transformation for dynamic software updating”, in Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE Poster Track), 2017.


  • Yanyan Jiang, Haicheng Chen, Feng Qin, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Crash consistency validation made easy”, in Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 133–143, 2016. “崩溃一致性:你的程序真的正确保存了数据吗?”
  • Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Du Li, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Online shared memory dependence reduction via bisectional coordination”, in Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 822–832, 2016.
  • Qiwei Li, Yanyan Jiang, Tianxiao Gu, Chang Xu, Jun Ma, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Effectively manifesting concurrency bugs in Android apps”, in Proceedings of the 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 209–216, 2016.
  • Xiangyu Wu, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Chun Cao, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Testing Android apps via guided gesture event generation”, in Proceedings of the 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 201–208, 2016.
  • Jun Sui, Chang Xu, S.C. Cheung, Wang Xi, Yanyan Jiang, Chun Cao, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Hybrid CPU-GPU constraint checking: Towards efficient context consistency”, Information and Software Technology (IST), 74, 230–242, 2016.


  • Yanyan Jiang, Du Li, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Optimistic shared memory dependence tracing”, in Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 524–534, 2015.
  • Hao Jin, Yanyan Jiang, Na Liu, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Concolic metamorphic debugging”, in Proceedings of the 39th Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC), 2015.
  • Ying Zhang, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Ping Yu, “ABC: Accelerated building of C/C++ projects”, in Proceedings of the 22st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 182–189, 2015.
  • Zhanshuai Meng, Yanyan Jiang, and Chang Xu, “Facilitating reusable and scalable automated testing and analysis for Android apps”, in Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware (Internetware), 166–175, 2015.
  • Xiangyu Wu, Chang Xu, Ziling Lu, Yanyan Jiang, Chun Cao, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “CoseDroid: Effective computation- and sensing-offloading for Android apps”, in Proceedings of the 39th Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC), 2015.


  • Yanyan Jiang, Tianxiao Gu, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “CARE: Cache guided deterministic replay for concurrent Java programs”, in Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 457–467, 2014.
  • Xiujiang Li, Yanyan Jiang, Yepang Liu, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “User guided automation for testing mobile apps”, in Proceedings of the 21st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 27–34, 2014.
  • Jun Sui, Chang Xu, Wang Xi, Yanyan Jiang, Chun Cao, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “GAIN: GPU-based constraint checking for context consistency”, in Proceedings of the 21st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), 319–326, 2014.


  • Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, and Xiaoxing Ma, “DPAC: An infrastructure for dynamic program analysis of concurrency Java programs”, in Proceedings of the 2013 Middleware Doctoral Symposium, 2:1--2:6, 2013.

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