For potential graduate students, please check this: ICS portal (2024年软件所本科生开放日招生说明).
Congratulations to Chunyang WANG, Hongyang LIU and Xinyuan ZHANG for winning the 6th place, silver medal, in the 47th ACM-ICPC World Final.
Congratulations to Qicheng Shan, Tianxing DING and Fengning OU for winning the 13th place, in the 46th ACM-ICPC World Final.
Congratulations on Xingliang Du's ISSRE'22 paper "AexPy: Detecting API Breaking Changesin Python Packages".
I obtained my Ph.D. degree in computer science and technology from Nanjing University (NJU) in 2015 (Ph.D. advisor: Prof. Xianping TAO), and Bachelor degree in computer science and technology from Nanjing University in 2003.
The coach of NJU ICPC-Training Team since 2007.
I am now an associate professor with Nanjing University.
2023: Weixiang Huang 黄伟祥 (MSc → Oceanbase)
2022: Wenjie Li 李文杰 (PhD → Anhui Normal University)
2021: Shaocong Liu 刘少聪 (MSc → ByteDance)
2020: Qingwei Sun 孙清伟 (MSc → Huatai Securities)
2018: Shentao Yue 岳胜涛 (MSc → NetEase)
My current interests focus on following topics:
I received the following awards or honors (reversely chronological order):