Hao Jin
Brief Biography
I received my M. Sc degree from Department of Computer Science and Technology at Nanjing University, supervised by Prof Xiaoxing Ma and Prof Chang Xu in 2015.
After receiving the M.Eng degree, I was employed by Microsoft (China), Applications and Services Group (Suzhou site).
- COMEDY (Concolic Metamorphic Debugging): Testing and Debugging Programs without Oracles
- Search Engine: Query Rewriting and Web Page Ranking
- Hao Jin, Yanyan Jiang, Na Liu, Chang Xu, Xiaoxing Ma, and Jian Lu, “Concolic metamorphic debugging”, in Proceedings of the 39th Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC), 2015.
- COMEDY: An automated testing and debugging tool for JAVA programs without oracles which builds on Java Pathfinder
- jpf-concolic-z3: A concolic testing extension project for JFP platform which integrates off-the-shelf constraint solver Z3
- Teaching Assistant of Algorithm Design, 2013 Fall
Basketball, Swimming, Violin, Fitness Training
Mail: frankjinhao at gmail dot com or haoji at microsoft dot com